Smart Courses
Smart Course
Intro Biology
Pre, Gen Chem I & II, GOB
Smart Course
BioBeyond Intro Biology
An introductory biology course designed through cross-institutional collaboration. This course teaches learners how to use biology to answer the question "How do we find life in the universe?” Students explore foundational concepts in order to explore the our planet and the stars, making observations, testing hypotheses, and learning how life works. The course evaluates student progress through continuous assessment, for a high-impact fully online course.
ChemLabs Pre, Gen Chem I & II, GOB
Built in partnership with by Oregon State University, this is a suite of labs that can be customized, or used as is, to meet the needs of your institution. There are 28 labs available.
HabWorlds Astrobiology
A general education science course that asks "Is there life in the universe?" and teaches students how to explore the formation of stars, planets, Earth, life, intelligence, and civilization.
Smart Course

Gen Chemistry I & II
Smart Course
Living On The Edge
Intro Geology
Smart Course
Science for Citizens
REAL CHEM Gen Chemistry I & II
General Chemistry I & II courseware that empowers students to understand the atomic foundations of our world and apply these concepts to real-world issues they care about. REAL CHEM opens the world of chemistry with engaging, high-quality video that ties concepts to real-world issues relevant to you.
Living On The Edge Intro Geology
Living On The Edge is a 3-credit general education course, built around the driving question “Is there a safe place to live on Earth?”. It has a strong focus on critical thinking and data-driven discovery of recent disasters
Science for Citizens
The interactive and multidisciplinary approach of this course is particularly appealing to non-science majors. Content and concepts derive from the natural sciences, psychology and paradigms of critical thought. Case studies and claims are tied to medicine, environmental policy, UFOs, extra-sensory perception (ESP) and mysterious creatures like the Loch Ness Monster.
Solar Systems
Intro Astronomy
Science Writing
General Chemistry
Smart Courses
Global Challenges
Solar Systems Intro Astronomy
What are exoplanets like and where do we find them? In this general education astronomy course, students learn to explore the galaxy to find and characterize planetary systems. Students will study how exoplanets are discovered, including creating hypotheses about planetary conditions based on observable data.
Science Writing General Chemistry
Complementary courseware, designed for General Chemistry Lab, that addresses the need for many students to improve their writing fundamental skill level, while also helping them develop the new writing skills that are expected of successful scientists. Consists of six (6) adaptive and interactive lessons (3 hours of learner time) targeting research & citation, data analysis and writing in science through modeling, shared writing, independent practice and reflection. Humor is used to create stickiness and diffuse serious nature of the content.
Global Challenges
Global Challenges: Promise and Peril in the 21st Century is a complete online course and textbook replacement that asks these questions: “what are the key challenges we face now and through the next 25-40 years?” and “what are we going to do to solve complex problems that require interdisciplinary approaches?” This online course is project based, pushing the boundaries of an online high-impact practice (HIP) for students in their first year and beyond. It also relies on open-educational resources (OER) from a variety of disciplines, making it suitable for all majors. Full textbook-replacement, geared toward a 3- or 4-credit course, there is a project-based approach to learning, emphasizing critical thinking skills.
Smart Course

Intro Chemistry
To Be Welcoming
Smart Course
Galapagos Exploration
High School Biology
Critical Chemistry Intro Chemistry
From the award-winning Inspark team comes the latest way to teach introductory chemistry in a blended or fully online setting. Engage your students in immersive case studies that will push them to make connections between foundational concepts and real-world situations. Your students will take an active role in finding solutions that directly impact the health of individuals and communities, exploring topics such as nutrition, treating cancer, and safeguarding water supplies. With mini math lessons, interactive PhET simulations, and problem sets, this course provides everything you need to teach introductory chemistry.
To Be Welcoming
To Be Welcoming is a 15-module course developed by ASU in partnership with Starbucks. The course strives to provide tools needed to combat bias.
Galapagos Exploration High School Biology
Living On The Edge is a 3-credit general education course, built around the driving question “Is there a safe place to live on Earth?”. It has a strong focus on critical thinking and data-driven discovery of recent disasters.
Courses & Tools
Inspark OER
Inspark OER
Inspark OER develops open educational resources that foster essential workforce skills as part of a $3.4M funded program by the U.S. Department of Education. The development team includes Arizona State University's Center for Education Through Exploration (ETX), the Inspark Teaching Network, and three community college partners: Maricopa Community Colleges, Ivy Tech Community College, and Miami Dade College.
Infiniscope — A Partner Channel
Exploratory Activity
Star Party
Exploratory Activity
Phases of the Moon
Exploratory Activity
Kepler's Laws
Virtual Field Trip
Earliest Record of Life
Virtual Field Trip
First Multicellular Organisms
Earliest Record of Life
Go on an expedition to explore the Dresser Formation and search for evidence of the earliest forms of life on Earth. See how this evidence from the rock record on Earth may help us find life elsewhere in the Solar System.
First Multicellular Organisms
Deep in the hills of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia the Ediacara fauna appear in the rock record and evolve in three distinct steps. Then suddenly, just before the Cambrian Explosion, they universally disappear. Take the journey, and learn about what is known, what is uncertain, and the mysteries that remain.
Kepler's Laws
Observe the apparent motion of planets and other bodies as they orbit each other. Measure their speed at different points to calculate their period. Then see if you can apply these laws to determine the orbits of the new worlds that you discover!
Star Party
Use a model to create stars from a stellar nebula and track those stars through their life cycles in an attempt to resolve conflicts and answer questions from party attendees. Collect evidence of star colors, luminosity, solar mass, lifespans, composition, and temperature along your journey.
Phases of the Moon
Explore the phases of the Moon in this cool 80's retro style experience featuring your AI friend LuCIA. Use a model to identify inaccuracies in LuCIA’s coding. Sequence a variety of Moon phase diagrams to “Reprogram” her code. Test the new code to improve the clarity of the galaxy image and reprogram her until a clear image is achieved.